“The overall tenor of mindfulness practice is gentle, appreciative and nurturing.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
course feedback
“What has been most meaningful for me on the course has been learning to be kind to myself, learning not to judge others and learning from others and sharing.” P.B.
“Loved the course, admired the tutor’s serenity, good value for money. I have really appreciated the intro week at the beginning. Thank you very much.” J.A.
“I loved learning ways to be with stillness and silence and myself. I feel that reinforcing kindness to myself and other made everything have meaning for me. The pace has been good. I have benefitted from the direct sharing and Chantek’s encouragement. Thank you it has been a special experience for me and your presence has been central to it.” P.H-M.
“I have valued the acceptance of myself, that has been encouraged throughout – the exploration and getting in touch with my kinder self (which has actually been fairly ignored for the past fifty or so years!) Thank you for this teaching – it is already beginning to be a part of me.” C.R.
“Some of the benefits I have found most meaningful for me have been the ability to sit quietly with myself, with my mind being relatively still, learning the different meditation techniques and gathering a range of tools to use on different occasions. The mindful movement gave me and my back immediate ease. I really benefitted having the workbook and the CD’s, I will use these in the future to help me continue the mindfulness practices and I will be doing a yoga course as I have found the impact on my body so helpful.” M.Mc.
“What I will take most from this course is the kindliness of Chantek, how she imbues this and encourages me to do the same for myself. This attitude of kindliness I feel is the most important precursor to meditation and I will try to keep a sense of in the coming weeks, months and years.” D.W.
“I am extremely grateful for the workbook and CD’s as an aid. I have now to maintain this practice. I can’t express how glad I am to have done this course, particularly given all the prevaricating I did beforehand. Thank you so much. This is a tremendous gift.” R.E.
“Knowing I can find inner stillness in a variety of ways and not needing to beat myself up or make judgments about ‘success’ or ‘failure’! You have offered an excellent course, Chantek. Your calm rhythm, pace, way of being, provides a wonderful example. Thank you!” B.R.
“I found the support of having lots of group practice on the night of the course always deepened my practice. I loved the readings and the poems in the workbook. The surprise of being kept on an even keel when my father became ill and my mother was struggling. I think I would have been overwhelmed without it. I am very grateful for this teaching, thank you.” T.F.