“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries, without them, humanity cannot survive.”

Dalai Lama

compassion and mindfulness mentoring

Compassion and mindfulness mentoring offers you the time and space to be with what is painful, difficult or confusing in the moment, in the gentle holding of compassionate dialogue and mindfulness practice.  This allows a way of accessing and enabling a wise, kind and compassionate relationship with your challenging experiences, both inwardly and outwardly.

Compassion frees us to look with more kindness, clarity and gentleness to that which is difficult and challenging, stuck or holding us back, whilst guided meditations allow us to gradually drop more deeply into our bodies, and own quieter self, our innate wisdom and wholeness.

This way of working allows time for support with one-to-one open dialogue as well as time for mindfulness and meditation practice during the session.  Compassion is integral to healing in relationship.

As we experience more self-compassion towards ourselves, establishing our own ground, we are more able to acknowledge and sense that the deep roots of these challenges are not ours alone but shared by us all.

Please do get in touch, to discuss, if you feel this might be supportive and helpful for you.

With Warm Wishes ~ Chantek Mary McNeilage